Transport management is provided by however all costs thereof borne by the customer.
When ordering you to perfection detail the costs that must be clear and all the expenses that have been generated by this transport.
Transport insurance is provided by and solely responsible for the goods until they reach them.
Transport costs are a percentage (%) of the order value depending also of the fragility of the product if there is such a risk.
Cost of transport goes from 10€ to a maximum of 6% of the merchansdise. The best is making a trial of an order to check it.
No CASH ON DELIVERY is accepted
CROMPARTS operates with the COURIER service of MRW
For transport via courier or express, you are provided with a shipping or tracking number if required so that you can track delivery
Click on the logo to see your shipping if you have the tracking number ready.
Countries were we serve and we manage the forwarding actually
France, Germany, Greechland, Austria, Hungary, Belgium, Ireland, Bulgary, Italy, Cheqz republic, Letonia, Cyprus, Lituania, Croatia, Luxembourg, Danemark, Malta, Eslovakia, Netherlands, Slovenia, Poland, Portugal, Estonia, Romania, Finland, Sweeden
Brasil, Argentina, Perú, Colombia, Bolivia, Venezuela, Chile, Paraguay, Ecuador, Guyana, Uruguay, Surinam, Trinidad & Tobago
Anguila, AntillasNeerlandesas, Aruba, Belice, CostaRica, Cuba, Dominica, El Salvador, Granada, Guadalupe, Guatemala, Haití, Honduras, Islas Caimán, Islas Georgia Del Sur & Sandwich Del Sur, Islas Malvinas, IslasTurcas & Caicos, Jamaica, Martinica, Montserrat, Nicaragua, Panamá, PuertoRico, RepúblicaDominicana, SanBartolomé, SanCristóbal & Nieves, SanMartín, SanPedro & Miquelón, San Vicente & The Grenadinas, SantaLucía, Surinam
Antigua & Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Bermudas, Canada, United states, british virgin islands, USA virgin islands, Mexico, American Samoa.
Angola, Argelia, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cape Verde, Cameroon, Chad, Comoros, Cote d'Ivoire, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Ecuatorial Guinea, Guinea-Bisáu, Kenya, Lesoto, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Marroc, Mauritus, Mauritania, Mayotte, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Central Africa republic, Congo Brazaville, Congo Kinshasa, Réunion, Rwanda, East Sahara, SaoTome & Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Swaziland, Southafrica, Tanzania
Saudi Arabia, Armenia, Azerbaiyan, Bangladesh, Bahrein, Brunei, Butan, Camboya, Qatar, China, South Korea, United emirates, Philipines, Georgia, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Christmas Island, Isles Cocos, Israel,Japan, Jordan, Kazajistan, Kirguistan, Kuwait, Laos, Leebanon, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Oman, Pakistan, Hong Kong, Macao, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Taiwan, Tayikistan, Palestinian territories
East Timor, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Vietnam
Australia, Fiyi, Guam, Island Bouvet, Island Niue, Island Norfolk, Isles Cook, Isles Heard & McDonald, Isles Northern Marian, Isles Marshall, Isles Pitcairn, Isles Salomon, Kiribati, Micronesia, Nauru, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Palau
Papua, New Guinea, French Polynesia, Samoa, Indic ocean british territory, French Austral Territories, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, WallisYFutuna
Albania, Andorra, Belarus, Vatican city, Gibraltar, Greenland, Guernesey, Isle of Man, Iceland, Isles Åland, Feroe Isles, Jersey, Macedonia, Moldavia, Monaco, Montenegro, Norway, Russia, San Marino, Serbia, Switzerland, Svalbard & JanMayen, Turkey
For international forwarding operates with UPS/FEDEX except for specific exceptions depending on continent and country.